How to Become a Presenter for the Pastry Arts Virtual Summit

How to Become a Presenter for the Pastry Arts Virtual Summit

The Pastry Arts Virtual Summit prides itself on featuring a diverse range of expert presenters who share their knowledge, techniques, and insights with a global audience of pastry and baking enthusiasts. If you are a passionate professional with valuable expertise to offer, we invite you to submit a proposal to become a presenter at an upcoming summit.

To be considered as a potential presenter, please follow these steps:
  1. Visit our website at
  2. Under the "Reason for Contacting" dropdown menu, select the "Contributing" option.
  3. In the message body, indicate that you are interested in presenting at the Pastry Arts Virtual Summit.
  4. Provide the following information:
    1. Your proposed presentation topic
    2. An explanation of why this topic would be beneficial for attendees to learn about
    3. Details on any previous experience you have with creating video content (this is not mandatory but helpful to know)
Our team will carefully review all presenter submissions. When evaluating proposals, we look for topics that are engaging, educational, and offer unique value to our attendees. We also consider the presenter's expertise and ability to effectively convey information through video format.

If your proposal is selected, a member of our team will reach out to you to discuss the next steps, which may include:
  1. Filming requirements and video specifications
  2. Deadline for video submission
  3. Session length and format (demo, presentation, interview, etc.)
  4. Promotional requirements as a featured presenter
Please note that due to the high volume of submissions received, our team may not be able to respond to every proposal. However, we appreciate your interest and contribution to enriching the Pastry Arts Virtual Summit experience.

We are passionate about providing our global community of pastry and baking professionals with access to exceptional educational content. If you have expertise to share, we encourage you to submit a proposal to become a presenter.

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