Sharing Pastry Arts Magazine's Social Media Content

Sharing Pastry Arts Magazine's Social Media Content

We love it when our followers share our content on their own social media channels! It helps spread the word about the amazing work being done in the pastry and baking community and allows us to reach an even wider audience. However, it's important to follow a few guidelines to ensure that credit is given where it's due and that no misunderstandings arise. 

Reposting Content Created by Pastry Arts Magazine: 

If you come across a post on our social media channels that features content created directly by Pastry Arts Magazine, such as:
  1. Highlights from our magazine
  2. Teasers for our podcast episodes
  3. Previews of our virtual summit
  4. Any other content or product created by our company
You are welcome to repost this content on your own social media channels, provided that you:
  1. Credit Pastry Arts Magazine in the post
  2. Tag our handle @pastryartsmag in the post
  3. Credit any individuals or contributors that we have credited in our original post
By following these guidelines, you help ensure that our team and any featured contributors receive proper recognition for their work. 

Being Mindful of Content Not Created by Pastry Arts Magazine:
It's important to note that not all content shared on our social media channels is created by Pastry Arts Magazine. We often repost and share content from other pastry and baking professionals, giving credit to the original creators. 

In these cases, we caution against reposting the content and crediting Pastry Arts Magazine, as this could potentially lead to misunderstandings or disputes with the original content creators. If you see a post on our feed that you'd like to share, and it was not created by Pastry Arts Magazine, we recommend reaching out to the original creator directly for permission to repost. 

When in doubt, it's always best to err on the side of caution and only repost content that is clearly identified as having been created by and for Pastry Arts Magazine. 

We appreciate your interest in sharing our content and helping to promote the incredible work being done in the pastry and baking community. By following these simple guidelines, you can help us maintain a culture of respect, collaboration, and creativity on social media.

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